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Inventory & Crafting System Megathread


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  • StarWarsRP Management Team

Greetings all,

As some of you may be aware, there is currently a WIP Inventory & Crafting System on MilitaryRP that is awaiting more work being done on it.

https://i.gyazo.com/37e0a925cc0b012e9de5fdaf9537a5c1.png - Image provided by Garnet in an Update post


After having spoken with Garnet, this post is being made so that we can see what the playerbase would like this inventory and crafting system to be used for, as that can affect what is done regarding it. Obviously in the screenshot you can see weaponry and components required to craft, but that should not serve as a limit to what you would like to see.

To provide examples, the possibility of drugs and (temporary) enhancements could be crafted with the right materials, and some materials could only be obtained through cooperative efforts between players.

In terms of responses, purely reply with ideas that you would like to see this system used for. Whilst everyone's ideas may not be realistic or possible to implement into the system and/or server, your ideas can also inspire other ideas.


Disclaimer: This post does not mean the Inventory & Crafting System is going to be implemented immediately, it is merely a desire to see what the playerbase want Garnet and others to work on

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It would me nice to see some sort of mine that would produce metal. This would be the primary material however not the only material to be used in the production of body armor. You could also build on this idea by having a refinery to process the materials that must be defended for 10 to 15 minutes in order to ensure the resources are either not destroyed or stolen.


I think I will leave this idea at this most basic form for now to gauge the possibility of the basic components before delving deeper.


Items Required:

Some sort of ore node. 

Pickaxe (Could be found in contested shipments) 

Iron ore provided by the node.

Refinery to be added at some preexisting location.

Iron Bars (provided by refinery)

Body Armor (Could vary in protection based on the material used if expanded from just one metal such as going from Iron > Steel > Armored Steel.)

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I was thinking about a shop for items that we use the in-game money for. The shop could have materials or just full weapons / armor. 

(money will prob have to get wiped tho) 

Also Garnet Gacha 

Edited by Krim
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Personally think that the crafting system should mainly be for attachments for weapons

Personally don’t like the idea of temporarily buffing weapons or giving advantages to players for crafting certain things 

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I believe that giving players some sort of reward for grinding resource gathering is a good idea, as instead of just AFKing, players can do something with their time. A couple criteria need to be filled I believe

1. The grind must be rewarding

2. Players who don't grind shouldn't be punished too hard (not everyone can play for 14 hours a day, some people only play weekends)

3. The resource gathering should not distract from the main gameplay of MRP, instead adding to it.


I believe the three methods of resource gathering should be: Logging, Mining, and Foraging. Logging and mining for gun parts and materials, and foraging for items to make drugs

Each base should have a workshop, or maybe make the workshop a neutral zone in the map that can be skirmished over.

Another idea is that workshops have to be maintained by players, at a price of maybe wood and metal. This can give the system a bit of military structure (Example: Lt Bob orders a fireteam lead by SSgt Dan to go secure materials to keep the bases' workshop working. 

Perhaps have the structure of the base be harmed if enough materials aren't farmed to upkeep it (holes form in the base walls if there is not enough materials)

Most of these ideas might involve tight rope balancing acts to keep it fair and playable, but I think this content has massive potential to increase player retention and give a sense of accomplishment for players.

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Instead of gathering materials from a source like a mine or a tree I think things such as supply raids, drops, depot's, or other military related things would be a more interesting and fitting way to get materials. Here are some ways these could work:

Supply depot: This building, group of buildings, etc could contain crates, barrels, and other storage devices. These could then be taken back to base to a storage facility which would convert them to resources for the person or group who delivered them. I think it would be beneficial if they could only be accessed during war and were replenished every few wars. This would prevent camping of the depots because of recap and would allow fighting to take place over the materials.


Supply Raid/Transport: This would be launchable from the mission npc and would function similar to those raids. One country would start a supply Raid and the participants would be teleported to a location containing a vehicle and some resources. Their job would be to transport the materials back to their base. The opposing country would of course be influenced to attempt to hijack the vehicle and take the supplies for themself.

Supply Drop: A random event which would have the smallest amount of supplies could be found and taken to be cashed in for resources. This would most likely also be fitting to happen during war to simplify the combat rules.

Edited by Toyto
Fleshed out ideas
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Just spitballing here, not sure how feasible it would be to program some of this stuff. Not all of these ideas need to be implemented, pick and choose.


Unlockable body group components (currently underutilized for most models, think hats from tf2)

Category: Drugs
Nothing that gives a damage boost in war, without severe negatives
Nothing that gives a health/defense boost in war, without severe negatives (same reason for body armor, it's been shown to be very unfun to play against, same reason jug/rpg/ng was nerfed)
Movement speed is fine, with minor negatives
Regeneration is fine, with moderate negatives
Limited invisibility, with moderate negatives

Justification on Damage/Defense
The old prestige system that gave both defense and damage buffs was not very fair for new players.
a) A lack of transparency that prestiged users had these buffs, can be fixed with drugs by visual effects.
b) The buffs were such that combat did not play out as they would expect, leading to frustration.
c) Prestiged players were more skilled than new players, leading to an even larger gap in capabilities. 



Self explanatory, should be the primary focus of this system. Add them all with variations.

Methods of unlocking:

Lootcrates, purchasable for credits and in-game cash. Makes the server more money and acts as a money sink.
Grinding, allow active actions to acquire components, mining/foraging/killing npc's/random drops/event rewards
Duals, allow wagers of items between players
Playtime/Logins, just by idling on the server you would get components, though I would say only common ones for playtime, maybe greater rewards for logins. (this may not be feasible from a code/implementation perspective, would still be nice to have).

Will add more to this as time permits.

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45 minutes ago, PraetorDon said:

Playtime/Logins, just by idling on the server you would get components, though I would say only common ones for playtime, maybe greater rewards for logins

We used to have a log in bonus, not sure when/why it was removed lol. Would love to see it come back with the new crafting system.

Might be far fetched, but what if every time you gain a tick in OBJ (or conquest) you get a 5% chance of a item drop. If you fully cap an objective you get a higher tier item somewhere around 75% of the time. This would encourage players to stay on cap to gain resources to craft with.

Temporary buffing weapons/health/speed never really worked well in terms of balancing before, but using crafting to get certain attachments seems like a good Idea. 

Another thing that might be possible which was mentioned before. Maybe have a barter NPC in both bases so you can buy/sell materials gained from either missions, war, or other means.

Maybe GMs could spawn materials for a winning side of an event. This could have more involvement with events and have more ways of earning materials. 

For my last thought, when we do get the crafting system mostly finished, maybe there could be a trading UI with other players. This could be with materials -> money or money -> materials.


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I absolutely agree with Reeper in how we should mostly avoid stat boosts and I think cosmetic uses such as hats, body parts, or semi-cosmetic stuff like attachments are great. However, this also gives me an idea.

We may want to take a look at the in-game credits shop for inspiration. Similar to the limited time use of those items, maybe you could craft those items for limited time use aswell. Let's say you make a medkit for example. The medkit could be limited by time or only lasts for 1 life but what I think works the best is having it be limited use so once you use all the heals then it gets taken away. This could also apply to guns so once you've shot x amount of bullets the gun "breaks" and needs to be repaired or another made.


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On 3/23/2022 at 6:37 AM, Krim said:

I was thinking about a shop for items that we use the in-game money for. The shop could have materials or just full weapons / armor. 

(money will prob have to get wiped tho) 

Also Garnet Gacha 

I like this idea but doing a wipe for money would piss off a lot of people, some players like Crypt have been working up their money since long time ago and this would give them a reason to use the money.

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On 3/23/2022 at 6:05 AM, Woods said:

Personally think that the crafting system should mainly be for attachments for weapons

Personally don’t like the idea of temporarily buffing weapons or giving advantages to players for crafting certain things 

I made crafting rarity-based weapons random. So if you craft an ak for example, the chances of you getting a top tier ak is going to be super rare. So don't expect 100 ppl to be running around with insane guns lol

11 hours ago, Toyto said:

I absolutely agree with Reeper in how we should mostly avoid stat boosts and I think cosmetic uses such as hats, body parts, or semi-cosmetic stuff like attachments are great. However, this also gives me an idea.

We may want to take a look at the in-game credits shop for inspiration. Similar to the limited time use of those items, maybe you could craft those items for limited time use aswell. Let's say you make a medkit for example. The medkit could be limited by time or only lasts for 1 life but what I think works the best is having it be limited use so once you use all the heals then it gets taken away. This could also apply to guns so once you've shot x amount of bullets the gun "breaks" and needs to be repaired or another made.


Cosmetics might be an addition in the future 😄

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  • 2 months later...

Your suggestion has been Accepted,

Please note that accepted suggestions will not necessarily be implemented into the server, but rather forked over to the development team for a second opinion, at which point they are free to choose between implementation or not as there is already something in the works.

@Luxembourg please lock and move to accepted.

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