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Investment Advice


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Recently, I won an insurance settlement against someone for fracturing my spine which resulted in me getting like $50,000. I’m 18 years old and want to go to college but would rather spend the money on something that is going to make me profit or increase my experience in the stock market but apparently there’s going to be a recession soon (early 2024 according to multiple news articles) I’m wondering what I should do with the money and if it’s simply ‘invest it’ what should I invest in should I put money towards courses on options trading should I throw it all into a IRA/RA. I need advice! 

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2 hours ago, Horseyyy said:

I need advice! 

Depends if you want fluidity of access.


If you don’t care about access, I would go with what @1998Corolla said. S&P 500 Index Funds are great for growth and moderate risk.


If you do want some access, never under estimate an IRA, CD, or even a good money market account (MMA). A lot of credit unions will have high interest MMA if you can maintain that 50k balance.


MMAs are also FDIC/NCUA insured, so if you’re worried about a recession, that’s the key.


CDs have contractual interest, so there’s a guarantee on your Return on Investment.


Finally, the money is yours, not anyone elses, respectfully decline anyone asking for money or loans, etc. If you do give a loan, always in writing to make Judge Judy proud.


Hope this helped 🙂

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13 minutes ago, AlexConway said:

If you don’t care about access, I would go with what @1998Corolla said. S&P 500 Index Funds are great for growth and moderate risk.


S&P index would be a great choice over a long term for sure. For 50k you could also use that as a downpayment on property. 


Depends what you're looking to do with your cash too. Do you want to take it out in 5 years, 10, 25 or longer? You'll have to do some more research yourself into how to invest it wisely, or you can find a financial advisor instead of taking financial advise from a gaming forum. 

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I say wait for the housing market to crash. It should be around the end of 2025 when people start to renegotiate their fixed interest rates on property, a good portion of them won’t be able to deal with the high interest and will have to sell. That’s the best time to get into it imo. It might be wise for you to keep your money until then… GL!

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  • The Garnut
19 hours ago, Vortex said:

I say wait for the housing market to crash. It should be around the end of 2025 when people start to renegotiate their fixed interest rates on property, a good portion of them won’t be able to deal with the high interest and will have to sell. That’s the best time to get into it imo. It might be wise for you to keep your money until then… GL!

Nobody here is a professional, and any "true" professional was just lucky at some point, or had enough money initially (far more than 50k) to take the slow route of safe investments (IE: S&P 500)


However, one thing I can tell you as a non-professional that nearly all professionals will say is.. do NOT take a blanket advice such as "wait for the housing market to crash". Time in the market will always be your best bet, and if there's a property you like now in a good area, buy it ASAP. It will ALWAYS grow past what it presently is, because there is not a surplus of land to build homes on. There shouldn't be a market crash in 2025; people having been using the argument of the housing market and interest rates starting 2019, then 2020, then 2021.. and so on. Homes continued to rise.


@Vortex for the record, the REASON there's a shortage currently in homes that are owned by people and not large corporations, is they're unwilling to let go of their 4-6% interest rate in favor of a 8-13% interest, which seems to be the new norm.

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On 11/15/2023 at 9:25 AM, Horseyyy said:

Recently, I won an insurance settlement against someone for fracturing my spine which resulted in me getting like $50,000. I’m 18 years old and want to go to college but would rather spend the money on something that is going to make me profit or increase my experience in the stock market but apparently there’s going to be a recession soon (early 2024 according to multiple news articles) I’m wondering what I should do with the money and if it’s simply ‘invest it’ what should I invest in should I put money towards courses on options trading should I throw it all into a IRA/RA. I need advice! 

Can I have a new PC I need it pls 

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